Wednesday February 4th 2009 8am. 9 am first does of Patosin(spelling) thats it?! wow this is easy. Noon ok getting more and more uncomfortable. 2pm ok NURSE, DRUGS please! AWWW epi now I can sleep and rest and ride this easy ride of childbirth ( who said childbirth was hard.lol ya right peice of cake. 4:30 UMM guys am I supposed to be feeling this much pressure??!!! .......Korey you are fine dont worry. 5:00pm UMMM guys really I can feel this something isnt right I thought I was supposed to be numb WHY AM I FEELING THIS!!!!!!!!?? 5:30 GREAT out of the 100 to 1 women that the epiduel where off I have to be the one it happens to! 7pm PAIN PAIN PAIN. 8PM I cant take this anymore someonefind me this DAMN nurse. 10PM c section PLEASE CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE CUT ME OPEN GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME NOW!!!! Thursday Febuary 5th 12:14am while yet I am completely out of it I ask Josh what is it (boy or girl) I will never forget his words "baby its a healthy baby girl!) My love, my life Torey Elizabeth Beerbaur
I love how you tell this. All truth, no sugar coding. It’s great. Paisley still talks about being at the hospital waiting for Baby Torey (or better known then as baby ‘B’). We love her so much!